Chairman ManHee Lee leads Sunday Service at Shincheonji Cheongju Church with 80,000 Congregants

by - 17:18

“I’ve farmed here my whole life, but I’ve never seen anything on this scale.”

These are the words of a local resident in his 80s, who witnessed a typically dormant village of 50 households filled with congregants of Shincheonji Church of Jesus dressed in white in Cheongju City, Republic of Korea, on the 8th September. When the news came that Chairman ManHee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, who was on a tour of the 12 tribes, would visit the Cheongju branch of the Matthias Tribe of Shincheonji, as many as 80,000 believers from nearby tribes gathered in one place.

Despite being nearly 94 years of age, Chairman Lee in this year alone has visited 39 churches to listen to the voices of the faithful and create a better religious environment for them. Whenever the Chairman visits a church on Sundays and Wednesdays when there is a service, he stands on the pulpit to confidently testify the Word of God, centred on the Book of Revelation, preaching powerfully for about an hour.

On that day, Shincheonji congregants lined up 4km from the church waving palm branches in the blazing sun - a scene reminiscent of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey at the first coming -  with flags symbolising the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, and pickets that read “Glory in heaven, peace on earth”.

On that day, Shincheonji believers warmly welcomed Chairman Lee with the belief that he is the ‘promised pastor who appeared according to the Bible’ when the Book of Revelation was fulfilled, and the ‘promised pastor who testifies to the Book of Revelation that Jesus fulfilled.’

A believer, Ms. Kim (27), said, “I believe that the Chairman who is leading the history of Shincheonji is the promised pastor who came according to the Bible, and that God and the spiritual world are with him.”

A fellow believer, Ms. Min Mo (25), who participated in a welcome performance, said, “The Chairman is like a doctor who saves the lives of believers, so we welcome him enthusiastically.”

Ms. Yeonmo (32, female), a believer at the Suwon Church of the John tribe, said, “Just as Jesus came to bring peace 2000 years ago, the promised pastor is not only spreading the word, but is also travelling around the world 32 times to do the work of peace.” She added, “Because we recognise the Chairman as a messenger of peace, Shincheonji believers have gathered to do the same work.”

As promised in Isaiah 52:7, there is one who brings “good news” and “proclaims peace.” Jesus entered Jerusalem as the Prince of Peace at the time of His first coming (Luke 19:28-44). Jesus also said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these...” (John 14:12). Shincheonji believers believe that, according to the biblical promise, the Chairman is a messenger of peace and is spreading peace throughout the world. They also believe that, as Revelation 19:6 says “Our Lord God Almighty reigns,” the Chairman plays a role in creating a world of peace where God will reign.

On that day, Chairman Lee testified the 6,000-year history of the Bible, with about 100 local pastors in attendance. The sermon resonated deeply with everyone. At the end of his speech, Chairman Lee said, “It is written that if you add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation, you will not be able to enter heaven. Would God have lied?” and encouraged, “Pastors, let’s learn the Book of Revelation and receive blessings together.”

The visit by Chairman Lee is part of a nationwide tour of churches which marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of Shincheonji Cheongju Church.

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  1. Shincheonji congregants lined up 4km from the church waving palm branches in the blazing sun - a scene reminiscent of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey at the first coming.
    wow, this scene is realy amazing.

  2. The strong connection between scripture and the message of peace adds a powerful layer to the event, beautifully showing how faith can create a sense of unity and purpose among the people.
