
Shincheonji Gwangju Church holds third instalment of 'Happiness Lecture', “A time to laugh and be happy”


Shincheonji Church of Jesus regularly opens its doors to the public to provide Bible-based lectures, especially on the Book of Revelation, to address existing misunderstandings and prejudices towards Shincheonji by the wider Christian community and foster deeper ties with communities throughout South Korea.

On the 14th and 15th July, Shincheonji Gwangju Church (Peter Tribe, led by Jeong-woo Lee), held the third lecture, 'Making My Life More Radiant', of the seminar series 'Happiness Lecture'. It was held as an opportunity to present answers on the ways of finding greater happiness in life.

On the 3rd floor after listening to the docent's explanation, educational booths were provided to inform attendees about the theological curriculum of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a cafeteria to have a chat, and various experience booths.

In addition, the venue was crowded with visitors who enjoyed various booth experiences, including 'Peter the Fishery King on Rich Fishing Ground' where children could catch fish with magnetic fishing rods from the cool blue sea, the Life Photo Gallery and Family Photo Gallery to take memorable photographs of the special day with loved ones, table tennis, board games and hand massage, as well as various workshops.

The venue was filled with the smiles of various visitors captured on camera, from a middle-aged woman smiling affectionately with an older acquaintance, to a young man having a photo taken with the words, “Friends for Life.”

After hearing the announcement that the lecture would soon begin, the 4th floor, which is typically used as a space for worship, was transformed into a space for various talks and performances.

Various performances were prepared and put on by the church members of Peter tribe, including Taekwonmu (combination of Taekwondo with dance and acrobatic tricking), the 'Farmer's Dance' (Nongak), and Mr. and Miss Trot (an audition show for singers who perform trot music). Guests clapped their hands, turned on their mobile phone lights, and shouted encores.

In the talk that followed, Jung-woo Lee, who was keynote speaker, lectured on the importance of the soul.

“What we have to realise as we go through life is that death is not the end. Every person has a soul, and the place that the soul of that person should go to is heaven.”

The tribe leader also said, “We need a way to purify our souls, minds, and hearts. As the Bible calls the Word the Way, the spiritual navigator that leads to heaven is the Bible. If this word accompanies you in life, you will certainly feel happier.”

One attendee who listened to the lecture said, “I was in two minds about coming, but I'm glad I did. I came to the realisation that there must be some misunderstandings about the rumours I'd heard. I also learned that the secret ingredient to Shincheonji Church, which I'd been curious about, is the 'Book of Revelation'.” I also decided to begin the Bible study with Shincheonji Church,” he said.


  1. What a beautiful way to spend time together!

  2. Community is so important, good to know Shincheonji church is partaking in that as well
