
“This was not achieved through man’s strength, but by the power of God”, Flashback to the 2019 Shincheonji ‘100,000 Graduation'

As we are approach yet another 100,000 graduation ceremony from the Zion Christian Mission Centre of Shincheonji Church of Jesus in 2022, let us take a look at the first 100,000 graduation that caught the attention of the world and marked a new step in the growth and victory of Shincheonji.

On November 10th 2019 12:00 (UTC +9), 103,764 students of all backgrounds and ages from 113 nationalities gathered to take part in a graduation ceremony entitled “Unprecedented Light of the World, 100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji Church”.

60,000 graduates gathered at a massive indoor venue in Gyeonggi province, South Korea, and 43,000 graduates participated via livestream in Busan, Gwangju and dozens of major cities and countries across five continents. Within just ten months, all 103,764 graduates had been evangelised and sealed with the revealed word of the Bible through an intensive six-month Bible study course taught by global branches of the Zion Christian Mission Centre. After having completed a 300-question exam and scoring above 90%, all 103,764 graduates officially registered to Shincheonji Church of Jesus. This graduation ceremony marked the largest of its kind by any religious group or denomination in modern history. Global press publicised Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ graduation ceremony, which shook the foundations of the religious world in Korea and abroad.

How was the graduation ceremony on the day? As a participant of the graduation ceremony, I'd like to share my experience firsthand with you.

From the very early hours of Sunday 10th November, graduates of the 12 tribes travelled by coach to the venue from all parts of Korea. The venue began to fill up in the early hours and by 11am, virtually all graduates were seated in perfectly aligned rows and columns.

At noon sharp, the presider opened the graduation ceremony and announced the full number of graduates - 103,764! Seated at the front were delegates from various political and religious circles in Korea. All 60,000 graduates stood to the Korean National Anthem performed by Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ orchestra and choir dressed in angelic white (2:22). As the most divided country in the world with a tragic history, a moment of silence was held to pay tribute to all those who had fallen in war (3:30). The presider then welcomed the invited delegates seated at the front (5:00). The initial congratulatory remark (08:15) was delivered by a senior figure within the Korean Presbyterian church, who denounced the groundless accusations made against Shincheonji Church of Jesus by the established church in Korea (notably the Christian Council of Korea) and who himself is a staunch advocate of Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ interfaith dialogues. He said: “I believe that the dialogue for people of faith, began by Chairman Lee, will spark conversation, understanding and interaction between religious believers for religious harmony and play a significant role in loving our neighbours according to the will of God.”

The second congratulatory remark was delivered by the head of the Resident Memorial Association and former member of the National Assembly (15:57). He advocated for the work of peace that Chairman Lee is doing by uniting global religious leaders in a world where religion is responsible for roughly 80% of today’s conflicts. The third and final congratulatory remark (27:39) was given by the president of a religious institution who concluded with the words, “You are the heaven's army bearing the Cross and you are the children of God”.

Chairman Lee not only works for peace among religious leaders. Alongside 17 international law experts, Chairman Lee has drafted the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) for implementation at the United Nations' General Assembly. A presentation of letters sent by current and former heads of state to Chairman Lee advocating for the ratification of the DPCW at the UN was then displayed (42:08). This included one letter from former President Donald Trump!

As with a typical service at Shincheonji Church of Jesus, there was a time of silent prayer (44:10) and representative prayer (50:20). Then a video link was shown of the 43,000 graduates participating via simultaneous livestream in Busan, Gwangju and cities in dozens of countries all over the world (1:02:57).  

The highlight of the ceremony was hearing a 40-minute sermon delivered by Chairman Lee on the importance of understanding one's purpose and identity according to the Bible (1:06:02). As Jesus’ promised messenger, he is making the fulfilment of Revelation known to the churches throughout the world according to everything he has seen and heard (see Revelation 22:8, 16). Chairman Lee concluded his sermon with prayer (1:46:07).

After the sermon, a testimony was delivered by a youth pastor who had evangelised 100 congregation members from his previous church while he was studying the true word of the Bible at Shincheonji Church of Jesus' Zion Christian Mission Centre (1:56:19).

The ceremony continued with a stunning 'performance of light' and children's bouquet-giving to Chairman Lee who, together with 103,764 graduates in five continents, concluded the ceremony by giving all the glory to God through a loud 'Hallelujah' and 'Amen'. In conclusion, Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ graduation ceremony was unlike anything the religious community has witnessed.

What is the reason for the rapid growth of Shincheonji Church of Jesus?
1) Promised Pastor
The book of Revelation, which records promises about future events, has been sealed for the last 2000 years. However, this book has finally been opened and its promises fulfilled. In Revelation 10, the meaning of Revelation and its fulfilment (reality) was given to one person who saw and heard all the promised events in Revelation. This person is the messenger sent by Jesus on his behalf to make known everything he has witnessed to the churches (see Revelation 22:8, 16). His testimony is trustworthy because he has witnessed all these promised events in person at the location of the events. Chairman Lee also devotes his time as a peace advocate who is uniting religious leaders throughout the world to cease all wars and achieve peace. This is very significant in a world where c.80% of wars and conflicts are motivated by religion.

2) Promised Temple
Shincheonji Church of Jesus is promised to appear throughout the Bible; specifically within the book of Revelation, where the promise of a ‘New Heaven New Earth’ is recorded in chapter 21. The name 'Shincheonji' ('Shin-cheon-shin-ji’ in full) translates from the Korean as 'New Heaven New Earth'. The people (congregation members) in Shincheonji Church of Jesus are part of this new kingdom and people born of God’s seed (word). God, who left this world 6000 years ago because of sin (Genesis 6:3), will return to people gathered at this place to be with them and end death, mourning, crying and pain (please refer to Revelation 21:3-4). It is an incredibly hopeful promise that will be fulfilled in the not-too-distant future.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is also named 'The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony' because it is from this Temple (church) that the 'testimony' of the fulfilment (reality) of Revelation is given through the promised pastor who has witnessed all these promised events in person. The name ‘Shincheonji’ is Korean because the promised events recorded in Revelation have been fulfilled in South Korea.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is also very transparent with its finances. It spends the majority of congregation members’ contributions towards the work of evangelism so that as many people as possible can freely receive the truth of the Bible.

Moreover, at present, 300,000 members of Shincheonji actively serve communities throughout South Korea and internationally through a range of projects, campaigns and initiatives focused on environmental conservation, blood donation, medical aid, war veterans' support, elderly care and public service with numerous awards received to date from the Korean government.

3) Promised Theology
Shincheonji Church of Jesus possesses the promised theology where one can study Genesis, Revelation and all 66 books of the Bible in-depth. Through an intensive six-month Bible study course at its 300+ Zion Christian Mission Centres worldwide, people hungry for the true meaning of the Bible can study the basic, intermediate and advanced levels that cover the correct way of reading the Bible, Biblical history, the secrets of Revelation and Genesis (including the realities of the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the serpent), the ‘new promise’ believers of the Bible must keep today, God's will for us individually and His plan to restore this broken world and create paradise. All this can be clearly understood because Revelation, which has been sealed for 2000 years, has been opened and given to one promised pastor to testify without cost. God has promised to do this, and whatever God promises, He always fulfils!

To watch a highlight video of the unprecedented 2019 graduation, please click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtlaHmepRRE

If you are curious about the reason for birth, ageing, sickness and death, Jesus' second coming or want to understand the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you can register your interest for Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ online Bible Study Course, delivered by experienced lecturers free of charge:-

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