
'Revelation I Have Seen and Heard': Shincheonji Chairman Delivers Revelation Seminar on 1st October

On 1st October 2022, Man-hee Lee, the Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus delivered a lecture via the official Shincheonji YouTube channel. The title was, 'Revelation I Have Seen and Heard'.

Opening the seminar, he introduced himself as a farmer from the country who had neither been evangelised nor studied at a seminary. Yet, he is able to teach Revelation and its fulfilment because he has seen and heard all the events of Revelation appear in reality.

Following his encounter with Jesus on the earth, he began going to a church named “Tabernacle Temple”, where the seven messengers of Jesus were. The Chairman heard that those seven messengers (or angels) had cut their wrists and made an oath to God in blood. Chairman Lee joined that church and served as a construction worker (carpenter). Then, due to a church matter, he left the church for the next seven years. During that time, the head pastor of the church brought in a man and, all of a sudden, appointed him to manage the church, even though there were many other evangelists and workers who had been working for years in that church. After appointing him, the head pastor went to the U.S. to learn theology. (This is what Chairman Lee had only heard of, and not seen, because he was working for the New Village Movement in his hometown.) The Tabernacle Temple was in chaos: no one could trust anyone. People called the former head pastor to return to South Korea; however, the new manager urged the former head pastor to fire the ‘rebellious’ workers. The former head pastor did what he was told. The “Tabernacle Temple” was a sizeable church with 7,000 members and 80 branch churches in South Korea. Those events took place and the Tabernacle Temple came to an end.

Chairman Lee said, “Since I’m telling you the things I have seen and heard, it might offend you. Many tried to kill me back then. I even fled to the mountains. People tried to kill me because I told them what they had done wrong.” After the threat was eased, he held rallies all over South Korea. Hearing news of the fulfilment of Revelation, many people followed him, and that is how the twelve tribes of Shincheonji were formed. And since those people wanted to hear more about it, he taught them; that is the fulfilment of the sealing of the 144,000 of the twelve tribes with the word of God. While explaining this, Chairman Lee quoted Rev 22:18-19, where it is written that one should not add or take away from this book of Revelation. If one does add or take away, that person cannot attain the hope of heaven. Chairman Lee stressed the importance of this verse and asked viewers if they have added or taken away from Revelation.

Then, Chairman Lee testified the fulfilment of Revelation from the beginning of the events. Jesus came to appoint seven messengers, whose spiritual names and faces Chairman Lee knows. Those messengers sinned after being appointed by Jesus. Because they betrayed the covenant, Chairman Lee was commanded by Jesus to send letters to the messengers urging them to repent. After sending the letters, he went up to heaven and saw God’s throne and the events that took place there. He also heard that the throne will come down to the earth. In Rev 5, God is holding a little scroll called Revelation. Jesus took it and opened the seven seals one by one from Rev 6. When the sealed scroll is opened one by one, an event takes place on the earth. Those seals were completely opened in Rev 8.

Only one person (Chairman Lee) saw what happened whenever the seals were opened. Chairman Lee also explained that Revelation's prophecy about this event (the plague of the seals) were not fulfilled literally. For instance, Rev 6 says that the sun, the moon, and stars darken and fall when the fourth seal is opened. However, if the physical sun, moon, and stars were to fall, no one would survive. This is a parable. It means that one era came to an end. A new era then begins in Rev 7.

In Rev 7, people who were born with the seed of God were harvested and sealed by the word of God. This is the creation of New Spiritual Israel.

What brought about the destruction of the old era? The seven messengers were appointed by Jesus in Gwacheon, South Korea. Then, false pastors called “Nicolaitans” came into the tabernacle and made the pastors and congregation members sin. They worshipped the idols and ate food sacrificed to idols. That’s why Jesus told Chairman Lee to send them letters of repentance. Then, Chairman Lee went up to heaven and saw everything in heaven. Jesus told him to go and deliver this word to the churches. However, they did not accept this testimony. Rather, they drove him away. Chairman asked the viewers if they know the reality of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. Many pastors preach falsely about the beast, teaching that it is a political event or some insisting that it represents the Soviet Union or the U.S. In fact, this beast with seven heads and ten horns are a group of pastors who came into the tabernacle. Chairman Lee fought them and defeated them. Before this battle with the Chairman, they fought the people in the tabernacle and defeated those people who once belonged to God. They defeated them using the power and authority of the world. Chairman Lee testified to how those false pastors fought over authority. “I saw how they appointed seventeen evangelists as pastors by just placing their hands on their heads. Those seventeen people had never been to theology schools. I know what they look like. They’re even still alive. A person who fights on the frontline will know what war is like. Don’t we have to know the beginning and the end of Revelation and the wars recorded inside of it? Who fought who and how did they fight?” He emphasised the importance of knowing the fulfilment of Revelation.

Next, Chairman Lee explained the process of the fulfilment of God’s new creation: Jesus sowed God’s seed 2,000 years ago, then, when he returned, he harvested those who were born with God’s seed. Then, those harvested people were sealed with the word of God and they were registered to the twelve tribes of God’s kingdom.

On the other hand, there were people who weren’t born of God’s seed. When people were sleeping, the devil came to Jesus’ field and sowed weeds. Therefore, two different kinds of seeds grew together until the harvest. Those weeds are bundled up and burned at the end. Explaining this, Chairman Lee asked the viewers to become one under God, saying, “If we are God’s family who believes in God’s word, let’s be one. We don’t believe in God to gain power or money. Let’s talk it out and if we agree it’s the right path, let’s hold hands and go forward under God. Dear pastors, please give an answer to these words. I know all the names and faces of the people recorded in Revelation. Dear pastors, haven’t you exerted your effort to go to heaven? Let’s become one and do better. We’re one and the same people and we have the same book - God’s word. We are one in God. WE ARE ONE!

Listening to this lecture, I could feel the passion of Chairman Lee, yearning to save all people who were listening to the testimony. I hope that whoever reads this post will also find the path to salvation.

If you’re interested in learning Revelation and other parables in the Bible, register here for a free online Bible study class!

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