
Launch of the Mammoth Shincheonji Youth Volunteer Group, 'We Are One': “The Light of Life in a Global Crisis”

On 31st July, Cheonji Ilbo (Cheonji Daily) published an article in Korean, entitled, “Launch of the Mammoth Shincheonji Youth Volunteer Group, 'We Are One': 'The Light of Life in a Global Crisis'”. This is a translation of that report.

[Chunji Ilbo, Cheonji TV = Reporters Geum-joong Hwang, Ji-ye Lee]

'We Are One.'
This is among the most needed expression in today's global environment, ravaged with a pandemic, climate change, and wars.

Opening with a splendid performance to the harmonious sound of drums and twelve colours of light, the Shincheonji Youth Volunteer Group proclaimed the launch of 'We Are One.'

Shincheonji is a social service organization comprised of 90,000 youth members. It is a sizeable group consisting of 12 branches in Korea and youth from 75 countries, including the US, UK, and France.

With more than 1,000 Volunteer Group representatives and people from all walks of life gathered in one place, the 'We Are One' event was held to support the new challenges facing youth, who are the protagonists of the future.

(Transcript: Junsu Hong | Shincheonji Youth Volunteer Group, We Are One Representative)
“We Are One is a youth volunteer group that realises the values ​​of truth, love, and peace based on the Bible. In order to repay the grace of life we have received from God and Jesus, about 90,000 youth around the world wish to start anew today under the name 'Shincheonji Youth Volunteer Group, 'We Are One'.”

Meanwhile, Shincheonji has become exemplary for its consistent social services, including medical aid, mural painting, and meal preparation and delivery.

In particular, Shincheonji has made a significant contribution to alleviating the domestic blood crisis resulting from the coronavirus and set a new record for donating the largest amount of blood in the shortest period of time.

With the success of this blood donation, another group blood donation of 70,000 people is anticipated next month.

An official from the Korean Red Cross, who attended the inauguration ceremony, expressed his gratitude once again, saying that the donation by 6,000 blood plasma donors and the 8,000 blood donations was of great help to public health.

(Transcript: Jae-yong Um | Director of Southern Blood Center, Blood Management Headquarters, Korean Red Cross)
“The 18,819 blood donations, carried out over 17 days from April 18 to May 4 of this year, was done by a single institution and is the largest donation of its kind. They have been of great help in solving the blood crisis at a time of need. The life-sharing practice of the members and donation of blood rights (cards and vouchers) will greatly contribute to spreading a blood donation culture in Korea.”

Chairman Man-hee Lee, whom (We Are One) youth look to as their eternal teacher, is confident that it will become a voluntary organisation that permeates the world with light.

(Record: Man-hee Lee | Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus)
“What cannot be done by human strength can only be done through belief in God, the Creator of heaven and earth. There is no such thing as fighting or killing in true religion. We forgive and love, and love even our enemies. There is no such thing as persecution and killing. Religious people must first become the light and learn to become one, then the world of mankind can truly become one, so that we live in a safe and comfortable world of peace. If everyone is united, there will be no war.”

The members of the Volunteer Group pledged to continue their voluntary service with joyful and unified hearts.

(Interview: Jiyoung Ahn | Jeongeup city, Jeollabuk province)
“I am so happy to be part of this event. It is an honour to see everyone united as one. I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to volunteer (blood donation), and although I was afraid of drawing blood, I am overjoyed because it seemed like I could put love into practice through my blood.”

(Interview: Dr. Samuel | Changwon city, Gyeongsangnam province)
“We will work hard so that the young people of 'We Are One' all over the country can spread this kind of peace and love to the world with one heart.”

(Interview: Da-ae Lee | Songpa-gu, Seoul)
“Among everything Chairman Man-hee Lee said, I was impressed to learn that he has toured the globe for the cessation of war and for peace. I think that he really resembles Jesus, who went to places and freely shared love. This is why I thought that I must become someone who resembles Jesus and works wherever there is a need.”

'We Are One' plans to 'solve national challenges and global crises' by focusing on ▲creating a sustainable environment ▲world peace movement ▲world peace education.

(Interview: Min-kyung | Weawon Gwangju and Jeonnam Branch)
“This is an organisation that was launched to rekindle the hearts of youth in a world that is becoming increasingly corrupt and develop it into a healthy culture. We will become an organisation that practices love for the world through undevoted service.”

Just as Jesus shed his blood for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind 2,000 years ago, Shincheonji's voluntary service and spirit of sacrifice is becoming the light of life to restore a world that has lost hope.

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