
“100,000 People" Registered for Shincheonji Church Online Bible Teaching Over Last 1.5 Years

On 31st August 2021, Cheonji Ilbo (Cheonji Daily) published an article, in Korean, entitled, "'100,000 People' Registered for Shincheonji's Online Bible Teaching Over Last 1.5 Years.This is a translation of that report.


(Above photo) Students of the Zion Christian Mission Center of Shincheonji Church of Jesus receive online teaching delivered by a theology lecturer. Shincheonji Church of Jesus provides 10-minute summaries of Shincheonji's revealed word by topic, available for anyone to listen to via Shincheonji's official YouTube channel.

Shincheonji shut with immediate effect following Covid-19 cluster outbreak
All worship services and meetings moved online
Despite impact of COVID-19, the secret of growth has been the 'word'
Students respond well to accessibility of online teaching

[Chunji Ilbo = Reporter Lee Ji-sol] Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been drawing attention due to its online growth in evangelism over the last 18 months, at a time of concern over face-to-face church worship and the subsequent increased restrictions that followed the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

According to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a total of 78,000 people registered on their short-term Bible study course that was conducted online only from January to July of this year at their Zion Christian Mission Center, which is the free Bible teaching institute of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. A further 20,000 people are currently registered for online study. This year alone, nearly 100,000 people will have studied the Bible online.

Moreover, from the 14th to the 21st of last month, a total of 36,000 people participated in the 12 tribes' online seminars that included the opening seminar by Chairman Man-hee Lee.

Such growth is in stark contrast to the churches of the world, whose faithful have decreased since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic amid churches' concerns over transitioning their worship and Bible teaching activities online. The case study involving Shincheonji shows that it does work.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus announced that it would shut down all its churches throughout the country (Korea) with immediate effect, and transition all its faith-based activities online, following a confirmed case of COVID-19 in its branch church in Daegu in February last year.

When Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which was actively engaged in seminars and graduation ceremonies every year, became officially inactive for over a year following the pandemic outbreak, some spectators commented that it was going through a crisis.

An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “Since February last year, we estimated that the COVID-19 pandemic might be prolonged, so we transitioned entirely to online activity. Things are stable.”

Closing down all its churches in order to block the chain of infection was an unavoidable measure, as there were confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its churches. However, it was not an easy decision for a religious organisation to shut down all its churches nationwide and transition all its activity online. It took a lot of time and effort to convert a system that manages the data of 200,000 members and tens of thousands of students to an online platform.

Making the transition from face-to-face meetings, church membership management system, various Bible education programmes and lectures delivered at the Zion Christian Mission Center to an online platform, was not simply about changing the platform. It was the routine of meeting in-person and the delivery of the teaching method that had to change. Time was needed to adapt to the non-face-to-face environment, with various trial and error in the process.

Accordingly, lecturers developed a new study method suitable for online lectures, exchanged know-how with one another, and developed their own teaching style. Now that these non-face-to-face activities have been established as the norm today, the number of new people registering to study is steadily increasing.

A precedent of a message-led sermon, rather than a church experience centred on human interaction, has been set and become religion's main focus in a transitional era of non-face-to-face contact. It has served Shincheonji Church of Jesus well.

Unlike the established Church, which is sensitive to social and political issues and has to reach consensus on the content and delivery of a sermon, Shincheonji Church of Jesus offers a worship experience centred on a study of the Bible and evidence of its fulfilment being testified. This has contributed to the growing interest in its education.

An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “The true meaning of the Word is being delivered to our congregation and to the general public through online platforms. We do not rely on secondary techniques when delivering sermons - such as on speech, gestures, or topic selection - but strictly teach that Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled according to the questioning (5W1H) principle."

The fact that more than 3,000 people recently applied to Shincheonji Church of Jesus' follow-up Bible study course, following the sermon delivered by Chairman Man-hee Lee, demonstrates the power of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' online worship and teaching.

The 'Word since the Beginning' delivered by Chairman Man-hee Lee and video lectures by theology lecturers

Source: bit.ly/2WDBPii


Blogs on "8.14 Online Bible Seminar" & "12 Tribes' Online Bible Seminars"
Pastors Testify to "Curious" and "Ground-breaking" Seminar by Chairman Man-hee Lee 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Holds Seminars for 1000s of People - Pastors Included - Throughout Korea (August 2021)

Korean Press Sounds the Trumpet for Shincheonji Church's "Online Seminar for 1000 Pastors" (8.14)

Korean Press Reports on "814 Online Bible Seminar"
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Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastor

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee Online Word Seminar for Pastors on the 14th

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, 'Certainly appeal' at the online seminar for pastors on the 14th

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On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, Succeeded as a lecturer at an online seminar for pastors

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Completed online seminar of Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee

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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee, 14th online sermon seminar for pastors successfully completed

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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors

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Shincheonji Online Word Seminar held on the 14th

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Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church, completes online sermon seminar

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14,000 people attended the Shincheonji Church of Jesus Online Word Seminar

경북신문-신천지, 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4천여명 참여
Shincheonji, 14,000 people participated in online sermon seminar

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[Shincheonji Online Word Seminar] Pastors who participated in the seminar by President Man-hee Lee “I was curious… groundbreaking doctrine.”

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“If you are a believer in God and Jesus, you must understand the true meaning of the Bible”

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