
Shincheonji Church of Jesus Holds Seminars for 1000s of People - Pastors Included - Throughout Korea (August 2021)

Following on from the success of the 'Online Bible Seminar' of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (Shincheonji Church) that was attended by a staggering 14,000 people throughout Korea on Saturday 14th August 2021, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church nationwide hosted their respective online Bible seminars.

The initial 'Online Bible Seminar' was hosted for the benefit of pastors and anyone with the hope of heaven, and a sermon was delivered by Chairman Lee, who despite being 90 years old, spoke candidly for one hour on the prophecies and fulfilment of the Book of Revelation that he has seen and heard first-hand as the messenger of Jesus. Of the 14,000 attendees, 1087 were pastors. 3342 attendees (24%) registered for follow-up Bible education to learn more about the Bible taught at Shincheonji Church.

Here are a selection of testimonials from pastors who attended this seminar:-

Pastor Kim (55, female): "I wanted to listen to the word from the Chairman of Shincheonji. It doesn't seem implausible that he really is the messenger sent by Jesus, especially given the number of pastors who attended today."

Pastor Lee (60, male): "The three most important things I learned and realised through today's sermon are the power of the spirit, the eyes of the spirit, and the word of the spirit. They must all be alive and active. I hope that today's insightful message will spark a repentance of sorts in the religious world.”

Pastor (70, male): "I came with a negative perception of Shincheonji, but after hearing today's talk on 'The Promised Pastor, not the Church Founder', I've decided to register for the upcoming 12 tribes seminars to learn more."

Following the 'Online Bible Seminar', the 12 tribes held their own seminars nationwide. Let's take a look at a few of these 12 tribes seminars.

Matthias Tribe (19th August 2021)
Attendance: 2051 people from the cities of Daejeon, Cheongju, Cheonan, Gongju, Seosan, Asan and Sejong
Number of registrations for follow-up education: 811 people

The lecture on the promised harvest in the Bible was delivered by the leader of Matthias Tribe, Bang-sik Jang, who opened by saying, “It's unfortunate that we can not preach the word of God to you in person, but all worship services and meetings have had to be held online since the outbreak of Covid-19."

Teaching about the promised harvest, Mr. Jang said, “The way to heaven is clearly explained in Matthew 13. The end of the age is the time of harvest when Jesus harvests the ripened wheat born of God’s seed, while those born of the devil’s seed are left in the field. This field represents the Church of Jesus, that is, Christianity."

He continued, “One cannot get to the kingdom of heaven simply by reading about it in the Bible, and it's not a place one can get to by just saying, 'I believe'. You can only get there by learning, understanding and believing in the words of prophecy and fulfilment that are recorded in the Book of Revelation.”

Mr. Jang concluded, “One who truly believes in God and Jesus must make the effort to understand the correct meaning of the Bible that God and Jesus have given us today.”

Simon Tribe (21st August 2021)
Attendance: 400
Topic: 'Why do Shincheonji members evangelise Christians from other churches?'

On the 21st August, Seung-ju Lee, the leader of Simon Tribe, delivered a lecture on the topic, 'Why do Shincheonji members evangelise Christians from other churches?'

In order to address the question of the seminar, Seung-ju Lee began by drawing a distinction between a believer likened to wheat and a believer likened to weeds. He said, “The wheat and tares (weeds), referring to believers, are both in the field, which is the church. A church is the home of believers. Then, in the same way you harvest physical wheat from a field, you harvest believers from a church. Through the process of physical farming, we learn about spiritual farming and spiritual harvest in the church, which is the field. This is how we can answer the question, 'Why do Shincheonji members evangelise Christians from other churches?'

Mr. Lee continued, "The field mentioned in Matthew 13:24-30, where the work of harvest takes place, does not represent the entire world, but specifically the 'Christian world' where the seed of Jesus' word was sown." 

He added, "Even in the Christian world - that is, within the church - whether you are harvested or not depends on whether you are born of the seed (word) of God. Depending on whether you are harvested, you are either divided into a child of God or a child of the devil."

A spokesperson for Shincheonji Church delivered a strong message, saying, "The Bible, which is a consistent best-seller, has become so popular that most people around the world have at least one copy at home. However, the issue is that the majority of its content is understood in a literal context only. How many people actually understand the exact meaning of the scriptures? The reality is that mainstream denominations do not."

Thaddaeus Tribe (21st August 2021)
Topic: 'Two Kinds of Seed, Harvest, and the Messenger of Jesus' Promise'

On 21st August, the leader of Thaddaeus tribe (Daegu-Gyeongbuk region) delivered a seminar entitled, 'Two Kinds of Seed, Harvest, and the Messenger of Jesus' Promise'. The seminar sought to explain why Jesus was the shepherd sent by God at the first coming, and gave insight into the religious climate of Judaism at that time.

He emphasised, "The harvest is the time of the Lord's return, when all the prophecies of Revelation are fulfilled, and the children of God and the children of the devil are divided."

He also said, "I hope that you will not judge people simply by their outer appearance, like the Jews did at the first coming, but open your hearts, lay aside your prejudices, and go into the Word to verify for yourself and become born again."

He added, "The fact that tens of thousands of people are seeking to understand the Word at this time - even online - when churches have been struggling throughout this pandemic, is evidence of the work of God. I sincerely hope that everyone will open their hearts and understand for themselves."

A pastor from Daegu, who attended the seminar, said after the seminar, "They deliver ground-breaking doctrine that teaches not only believers, but also the general public, why they should believe in Jesus.”

A believer of 50 years from Gyeongbuk said, “I sense there will be a revival after encountering Shincheonji's doctrine at this seminar.”

Bartholomew Tribe (21st August 2021)
Topic: 'Where is God?'

On 21st August, the leader of Bartholomew tribe, Mr. Jong-ryeol Kwak, delivered a seminar on the question, 'Where is God?'. The seminar also provided a Q&A to address any misconceptions and misunderstandings about Shincheonji Church.

Mr. Kwak began by saying, “We vaguely thought that God is somewhere in heaven, or everywhere, but the Bible clearly says where God is”. He added, “For us, the Bible is like a map to heaven, and the path that leads us to heaven is 'Revelation'.

Mr. Kwak continued, “Up until now, we've vaguely thought, ‘I'm going to heaven,’ and thought of the kingdom of heaven as a place we go to after we die; but in the Bible, God has promised that He will come down to this earth. Just as God dwelt in the temple of Jerusalem, God has promised us the place where He will come to at the second coming of the Lord.”

Mrs. Choi (52), who attended the seminar, said, “I've always had questions, but I haven’t been able to find clear answers. After hearing today's lecture, I don't understand how people can persecute.”

Mrs. Oh (61) said, “In this life, you need a guide or map to get to your destination. What resonated most from the seminar was the message that the Bible is a map you must use to find the way to heaven. This was a great opportunity to clear up the misunderstandings about Shincheonji after hearing only rumours.”

Bartholomew tribe announced that it will host three follow-up Bible seminars until the 4th of September. These include, (i) 'Saturday Open Seminar' for pastors and believers who have lived a long life of faith and wish to learn more about the secrets of heaven on August 28th and September 4th; (ii) 'Introductory Bible Seminar' for new believers or those who have difficulty understanding the Bible from August 23rd-September 2nd; and (iii) 'Bible Song Seminar' to teach the will and plan of God recorded in the Bible from August 24th-September 2nd in Bucheon branch church.

In the era of Covid-19 where many church congregations are dwindling in number, there is clearly a yearning for an understanding of the Bible within Korea (and beyond). Indeed, the success of the seminars hosted by Shincheonji Church reflects the religious community's strong interest in the prophecies and fulfilment of the entire Bible delivered by Shincheonji Church which, in 2019 alone, grew by a staggering 103,764 members. From January to July 2021, 78,000 people have studied online via Shincheonji Church's Zion Mission Center (Bible Study course), and 20,000 people are currently studying.

In reference to the main 'Online Bible Seminar', a spokesperson for Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, "As this seminar was aimed at pastors, it delivered a strong and important message. The fact that about 3,000 people have expressed an interest in learning the Word is evidence of the general thirst and hunger for the Bible. Chairman Lee's sincere testimony moved hearts. The time has come for us to judge for ourselves between truth and lies."

Blog on "814 Online Bible Seminar"
Korean Press Sounds the Trumpet for Shincheonji Church's "Online Seminar for 1000 Pastors" (8.14)

Korean Press Reports on "814 Online Bible Seminar"
환경방송-[people] 신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastor

브레이크뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee Online Word Seminar for Pastors on the 14th

경인종합일보-신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 '온라인 말씀 세미나' 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors

세계타임즈-신천지 이만희 총회장, 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나서 '간곡히 호소'
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, 'Certainly appeal' at the online seminar for pastors on the 14th

뉴스쉐어-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors

일간대한뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 목회자 대상 온라인 세미나 강사로 나서 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, Succeeded as a lecturer at an online seminar for pastors

일간경기-신천지 이만희 총회장 온라인 세미나 성료
Completed online seminar of Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee

경기북부시민신문-신천지 이만희 총회장, 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee, 14th online sermon seminar for pastors successfully completed

경기도민일보-신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 말씀 세미나 성료
Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors

중부일보-신천지 온라인 말씀세미나 지난 14일 개최
Shincheonji Online Word Seminar held on the 14th

전국매일신문-신천지 이만희 총회장, 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church, completes online sermon seminar

기호일보-신천지예수교 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4000여 명 참석 성료
14,000 people attended the Shincheonji Church of Jesus Online Word Seminar

경북신문-신천지, 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4천여명 참여
Shincheonji, 14,000 people participated in online sermon seminar

Korean Press Reports on "12 Tribes Online Bible Seminar"
충청신문-“하나님과 예수님 믿는 신앙인이라면 성경 참뜻 깨달아야”
“If you are a believer in God and Jesus, you must understand the true meaning of the Bible”

창원일보-신천지 온라인 말씀 세미나 후속 교육 3,000명 이상 신청
Shincheonji Church, further education seminars, more than 3,000 people apply for online Bible Seminar 

메트로신문-'왜 신천지인들은 교회에 있는 사람들을 전도할까?'…'신천지' 세미나 진행
'Why do Shincheonji church evangelize people in the church?'... Seminar on 'Shincheonji'

경북신문-신천지 예수교회, 코로나19 팬데믹 속 비대면 복음 전파 활기
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, active in spreading the gospel non-face-to-face amid the COVID-19 pandemic

브레이크뉴스- 온라인 말씀콘서트 진행…"천국가는 길, 성경에 답있어"
Shincheonji Bartholomew's Tribe, Online Bible Concert held... "The way to heaven, the answer is in the Bible"

일간투데이-“추수는 영적 시대변화 결과”…신천지예수교회 메시지 ‘주목’
“The harvest is the result of the spiritual change of the times”… Shincheonji Church of Jesus message 'attention'

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