
Korean Press Sounds the Trumpet for Shincheonji Church's "Online Seminar for 1000 Pastors" (8.14)


This week, press throughout South Korea have begun proclaiming the 'Online Seminar for 1000 Pastors' that was hosted on 14th August 2021 (8.14) by Chairman Man Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church). This marked the first external event held by Shincheonji Church for non-Shincheonji members since the COVID-19 pandemic struck Korea in February 2020.

The purpose of this seminar, attended by 1000 Christian pastors and a total of 14,000 people, was to inform Christian pastors and the wider public of the correct understanding of the Book of Revelation of the Holy Bible.

Chairman Lee, who is now 90-years-old, began his sermon with a simple request: "If I don't testify this to you, I will be unable to fulfil my duty to God and Jesus. Please listen to the testimony from the one who has seen and heard the actual fulfilment of the Book of Revelation."

Chairman Lee recounted his childhood, growing up in a poor rural family and farming the land in rural Korea. The young Man Hee often prayed with his grandfather, and through the guidance of a huge star (which had appeared on several occasions), Man Hee was led to a mountain where he pledged to devote his life to God. His steps were then led to the Tabernacle Temple in Gwacheon city, Gyeonggi province, where he began his life of faith and encountered severe opposition with serious attempts made to take his life.

Chairman Lee went on to say that, several years after leaving the Tabernacle Temple, he received the word of revelation from Jesus himself, and was chosen and commanded by Jesus to go back to the Tabernacle Temple where he had nearly been killed. In filial piety, Man Hee obeyed and left the very next day, abandoning his home, livelihood and all hard-earned possessions in order to fulfil the command of Heaven. With respect to the knowledge Chairman Lee possesses of the entire 66 books of the Bible, he said, "I only know how to farm; a country peasant who received neither formal theological education nor teaching from any pastor, but received revelation from Jesus."

Therefore, Chairman Lee reiterated that he has been sent by Jesus as his messenger to testify the prophecies and fulfilled realities (fulfilment) of Revelation, as recorded in Rev 1:1, 10, 22:8, and 22:16. He is the true witness who has seen and heard all the actual entities promised to appear within the New Testament - especially within the Book of Revelation - including the beast of Revelation, the seven stars in the right hand of Jesus, the Nicolaitans that entered the seven churches, and the chapters Matthew 13 and Matthew 24. Chairman Lee also testified to God's final work of creation that began through Prophet Jeremiah of the Old Testament roughly 2600 years ago, and is being fulfilled today through the creation of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church in accordance with the promise of Revelation.

Like all the prophets and pastors God has sent throughout the 6000 years of Biblical history, Chairman Lee is no stranger to derision and persecution. As mentioned, Man Hee Lee was nearly killed during his early life of faith at the Tabernacle Temple and, in more recent times, he has been subjected to numerous false accusations by the Korean Protestant Church who are envious of the rapid growth of Shincheonji Church which, in 2019 alone, grew by 103,764 members. 

Nevertheless, despite his old age and the frailty of his body, Chairman Lee delivered this sermon online to those who may deride his words because he seeks to obey the will of Heaven. Chairman Lee said, “Jesus has sent me to testify everything I have seen and heard to the churches. If I say this in a church, I may be beaten to death, but the truth must be told. I am the messenger whom Jesus has sent to feed this book of Revelation and testify all its contents to the churches." Without a hint of self-interest, the promised shepherd of the New Testament has been carrying a burdened heart as he carries out heaven's duty.

At this time when the promises of Revelation are being fulfilled and the entire 66 books of the Bible plainly testified, Chairman Lee made a heartfelt plea to pastors that they let go of their prejudice and stubbornness and learn Jesus' word of Revelation, promised 2000 years ago, in order to teach it to their congregation. Chairman Lee concluded the seminar, saying, “Today, all pastors must teach the members of the new covenant according to the will of God and the will of Jesus. For God and believers, I hope we can become those who study the revealed word perfectly and can teach it.”

Shincheonji Church has been plainly testifying the fulfilled realities of Revelation without cost since its founding in March 1984. Due to a flood of inquiries, it is expected that the entire sermon will be released through Shincheonji Church's official YouTube channel and a nationwide 12-tribe online seminar is due to be hosted very soon.

Screenshot of pastors who attended Chairman Lee's online seminar

Korean Press Sources of "814 Online Bible Seminar"
환경방송-[people] 신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastors

브레이크뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee Online Word Seminar for Pastors on the 14th

경인종합일보-신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 '온라인 말씀 세미나' 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors

세계타임즈-신천지 이만희 총회장, 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나서 '간곡히 호소'
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, 'Certainly appeal' at the online seminar for pastors on the 14th

뉴스쉐어-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors

일간대한뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 목회자 대상 온라인 세미나 강사로 나서 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, Succeeded as a lecturer at an online seminar for pastors

일간경기-신천지 이만희 총회장 온라인 세미나 성료
Completed online seminar of Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee

경기북부시민신문-신천지 이만희 총회장, 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee, 14th online sermon seminar for pastors successfully completed

경기도민일보-신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 말씀 세미나 성료
Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors

중부일보-신천지 온라인 말씀세미나 지난 14일 개최
Shincheonji Online Word Seminar held on the 14th

전국매일신문-신천지 이만희 총회장, 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church, completes online sermon seminar

기호일보-신천지예수교 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4000여 명 참석 성료
14,000 people attended the Shincheonji Church of Jesus Online Word Seminar

경북신문-신천지, 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4천여명 참여
Shincheonji, 14,000 people participated in online sermon seminar

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