
[Letter from Shincheonji Church] "Revelation: Heaven's Secret"

[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Kang Soo-kyung] On the 26th January 2021, Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji Church sent a letter to congregants, entitled, 'The Events of the End Times: Heaven's Secret of Revelation'.

Chairman Man-hee Lee outlined the purpose of sending this letter, saying, "I have been instructed by Jesus to testify to the churches everything I have seen and heard about the fulfilment and realities of the New Testament Book of Revelation."

Chairman Lee then said, “Revelation is fulfilled at the time of Jesus Christ's Second Coming, and it makes known that the previous era passes away and a new era is re-created.” Chairman Lee warned, “As recorded in Revelation 22:18-19, if one adds to, or subtracts from, the words of this prophecy, one will not be able to enter heaven, but will be cursed (Calamity)".

Chairman Lee continued, “There is a spiritual war between God's army and the devil's army (at the time of judgment), and at that time, one will clearly know God and those who belong to Him, and the devil and those who belong to him." Chairman Lee emphasised asking oneself, 'Have I been created according to the promises of the Bible?' "We must know this”, he emphasised. What follows is Chairman Lee's letter in full.

[Full text] The Events of the End Times: Heaven's Secret of Revelation
My name is Man-hee Lee, a representative of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. I have been chosen and instructed by Jesus to testify to the churches everything I have seen and heard about the New Testament Revelation. This is my mission.

In the world's eyes, I am the most ignorant and lowly of all people. However, I have been instructed by Jesus to make known what I have seen and heard, which I am doing in order to fulfil my mission - as in Rev 22:16!

The book of Revelation is a prophecy in the New Testament, comprised of 22 chapters, 404 verses and roughly 25 pages. This book of Revelation comes at the time of Jesus' Second Coming, and it makes known the end of one era and the re-creation of a new era. As recorded in Revelation 22:18-19, if one adds to, or subtracts from, the words of this prophecy, one will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven, but will be cursed (calamity).

Among believers who are living at the time of judgment recorded in the New Testament, those who are accepted by Jesus will go to heaven, while those who are not will end up in the fires of hell. At this time, there is a spiritual war between God's army and the devil's army, and one will know God and those who belong to Him, and the devil and those who belong to him. Moreover, those born of God's seed and those born of the devil's seed are separated.

Therefore, a believer must ask him or herself, 'Who am I according to the Bible? Have I been created according to the promises of the Bible?' You must check for yourself.

All we have to do to perceive this is go into the Bible. As this time is now, we must constantly pray and move forward. Then God will grant us wisdom and His Word.

I love the saints and will not stop praying and making effort for their salvation.

※Editor's note. This is a letter that Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus has received from Jesus and sent to believers in this era. Please be informed that this entire text has been reproduced in its original form without any edits.


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