
Mastery of Revelation, the New Covenant Made With the Blood of Jesus

[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Kang Soo-kyung] On the 19th February 2021, Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji Church sent a message to believers under the title, 'Mastering the New Covenant Revelation Made with Jesus' Blood'.

“If one adds to or subtracts from the book of Revelation, one will not be able to enter heaven and will be cursed." 

The article opened with the question, 'Have you mastered Revelation?' and was written in a firm and concise tone. It read, "One must not add to or subtract from Revelation, but come to Shincheonji Church and master the Bible in order to find salvation."

On Chairman Man-hee Lee's nationwide tour, which was held under the theme 'Open Bible Seminar on the Second Coming and Harvest’, he said, “As promised in the Bible, Shincheonji Church harvests and seals the ripened grains of the seed that was sown in Jesus' field 2000 years ago.” Chairman Lee testified through the Bible that the kingdom of God (heaven) appears in the end times - the end of one religious era - and emphasised, "believers today must be harvested and come to Shincheonji Church to find salvation."

In November of the same year, Shincheonji Church set a precedent in the world of religion through their graduation ceremony of a staggering 103,764 graduates. This became a hot topic worldwide.

Below is the full text of the recent article published by Shincheonji Church.
"Mastery of the New Covenant Revelation Made With the Blood of Jesus"

It is recorded that if one adds to or subtracts from Revelation, one will not be able to enter heaven and will be cursed.

Have you mastered Revelation?

Can you call yourself an authentic believer even though one can not get to heaven without truly understanding the Bible?
Who are those who have mastered it? Who is heresy and who is orthodox?
Shincheonji Church has mastered the entire prophecies and fulfilment of the New Covenant Revelation. Check for yourself.

Shincheonji believers can go to heaven, as is promised.
Moreover, in Matthew 13, it is recorded that, at the time of harvest,
those born of the seed of God are harvested and go to the kingdom of heaven, while those born of the seed of the devil are not harvested and do not go to heaven.
That is why there is separation between those born of the seed of God and those born of the seed of the devil. Shincheonji Church has mastered the entire book of Revelation and will freely give the water of life (the word of eternal life) to those who desire it. This is a promise.

Furthermore, the tree of life in Revelation 22:1–2 bears fruit for heaven and eternal life.
This tree of life bears twelve different crops of fruit every month.
This tree of life is Shincheonji Church of Jesus.


  1. The confident tone is impressive. What are the words of revelation?

  2. I see that a lot of people gathered to learn the Revelation before covid-19. I’ve read it by myself before but couldn’t understand its meaning. Hope I would have the chance to learn it as well

  3. It's amazing that we're all here to hear this.
    I want to hear it too.

  4. Who can ever dare to say he mastered revelation? It is very interesting... I wanna hear how he would explain revelation.

  5. Before Corona broke out, many people gathered to listen to the book of revelations. Amazing. I heard that Shincheonji is worshiping online these days! It is surprising that people all over the world master the Book of Revelation online.
