
The Secrets of Heaven

A secret is something we share with those closest to us. Did you know God also has secrets recorded in His word (Bible)? What are they and why must we know them?

Because God is the word (Jn 1:1), one can only understand His will and purpose through the word. However, much of God's word is recorded in parables; language that uses physical characteristics to explain a spiritual reality. God's purpose and will is recorded in prophecy. Therefore, in order to clearly know God’s will and purpose, one must understand the meaning of the parables recorded in prophecy. It is hidden because God finally wants to restore all creation that He lost to Satan after the fall of man 6000 years ago back to Him. If His plan is revealed to the enemy, He will not fulfil His purpose and mourning, death, crying and pain that humanity has endured for the last 6000 years will continue. This is why God must hide His plan in parables.

However, whenever God fulfils His secrets, He chooses one pastor and reveals the realities of what was hidden (Amos 3:7). At the first coming, Jesus Christ spoke in parables to the crowds in order to fulfil the Old Testament promise (Ps 78:2). However, to his disciples who had seeking hearts, he plainly explained the true meaning of all the Old Testament prophecies and their fulfilment, which they spread to the four corners of the earth (Mt 24:14). Jesus also spoke in parables about future events that must take place, recorded in the four Gospels and the book of Revelation. When this New Testament promise is fulfilled, the meaning of all these New Testament prophecies and their fulfilment must be explained plainly, as Jesus promised (Jn 16:25).

For the last 2000 years, no one in heaven, on earth or under the earth has been able to understand the parables recorded as prophecy in the book of Revelation (Rv 5:3). However, the promise in Revelation is being fulfilled and is now being made known plainly through Jesus’ promised messenger who has seen and heard all the events of Revelation (Rv 22:8, 16). As it was 2000 years ago, there are people who persecute (Jesus’) promised pastor, and those who, like the 12 disciples and the early Christians, hear his plain explanation, believe and attain their hope of heaven.

Today, at the time of the fulfilment of Revelation, God and Jesus have entrusted their secrets in the four Gospels and Revelation to this promised messenger who is making them known to the churches, as promised (Rv 22:16). Those with willing and eager hearts can listen to his plain explanation and understand God’s final purpose.

(Regarding God’s Secrets of Heaven)

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